Parent Teacher Communication
Communication between your child’s teacher and you is crucial in order to know how your child is doing. When your child is enrolled at Wee Kids he/she will receive a daily report book in which your child’s teacher will fill out on a daily basis to let you know about their day.
Parent Boards
Parent boards are located throughout the school. Daily schedules, weekly lesson plans, parent resources, newsletters, food menus, and general information will be located near the main entrance of the school. Each classroom will also have its own parent board near the classroom entrance.
Teachers will keep careful track of all the children in their classroom and maintain a daily progress log that will document the child’s individual progression, development, and personality. This information is available at all times inside the child’s classroom. If there should be any questions or concerns that parents would like to discuss in depth, they can speak with their child’s teacher to arrange a conference. Parent / Teacher conferences will be held three times a year to discuss the general advancement and progress of your child. Parents are welcome to ask for additional conferences to discuss specific issues or subjects.