We are proud to offer high quality learning products. We have selected the very best curriculums to accommodate to each age range in order to ensure that we are providing the best chance of learning and development. Our Infants, Ones, and Twos will follow the “Beyond Cribs and Rattles” curriculum. Our Threes and Fours will follow the “Creative Curriculum”.
Beyond Cribs and Rattles
Children’s Development is enhanced when adults are interactive and they are provided with opportunities to learn the appropriate use of materials and the expected behavior for situations. Young children who develop symbolic play skills during their toddler years are better able to continue to make progress towards success in later school years. This program was designed to develop dramatic play and language experiences that will support the development of higher level thinking skills, problem solving abilities, and positive social behaviors.
Land of the Letter People
This comprehensive, thematically organized program successfully immerses children in reading and writing. Explicit, organized, and easy to implement, Land of the Letter People aligns to Common Core State Standards and focuses on: phonemic awareness and phonics, personal and social development, and conflict resolution.